Sicilia Pizza

Apple Pizza

Apple Pizza

Apple Pizza


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Neapolitan dough, mozzarella, apple jam, apple fruit, parmesan, olive oil, cream cheese, walnuts, blueberry fruit

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Apple Pizza

Venture into a delightful fusion of sweet and savory with our Apple Pizza, an innovative creation that marries the comforting warmth of a freshly baked pizza with the sweet, crisp nuances of apple. This unique dish is an inviting blend of flavors and textures, designed to surprise and satisfy both fruit lovers and pizza aficionados alike.

The journey begins with our classic Neapolitan dough, thin and light, providing a perfect canvas for the toppings to shine. Baked to a golden-brown perfection, the crust offers a subtle crunch that contrasts beautifully with the toppings’ tenderness.

Atop the dough lies a layer of softly spiced apple slices, their natural sweetness enhanced through caramelization in the oven. The apples are selected for their firmness and acidity, ensuring that they retain a slight bite and a refreshing tang amidst the rich flavors surrounding them.

Complementing the apples is a generous sprinkle of mozzarella cheese, which melts into a velvety layer, enveloping the fruit in a creamy embrace. This unexpected combination of sweet apples and stretchy mozzarella creates a delightful contrast that is both surprising and harmonious.

For a finishing touch, a drizzle of caramel sauce and a sprinkle of cinnamon add depth and warmth to the pizza. The caramel, with its buttery sweetness, pairs wonderfully with the tartness of the apples, while the cinnamon introduces a hint of spice that accentuates the fruit’s flavor.

Our Apple Pizza is a bold exploration of the culinary landscape, a testament to the versatility of pizza as a dish that can transcend traditional boundaries. It’s a warm, inviting experience that blends the familiar comfort of pizza with the novel pleasure of dessert, creating a memorable meal that dances between the realms of savory and sweet.


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